Regina deChabert Petersen, President, was appointed Administrator of Courts of the unified Judicial Branch of the Virgin Islands effective December 1, 2016. Before this appointment, she served as the Administrative Director of the Virgin Islands Supreme Court.

Corey Steel, President-Elect, was appointed State Court Administrator for the Nebraska Judicial Branch in May 2014 after a career in probation and juvenile services, culminating in his appointment as Deputy Probation Administrator for Juvenile Services in 2013.

Kathy S. Lloyd, Vice President, is Missouri’s State Courts Administrator. She leads an agency of more than 200 staff, who provide administrative, business, and technology support services to all levels of the state court system.

Greg Sattizahn, Immediate Past President, is the State Court Administrator for the South Dakota Unified Judicial System. He took office on September 9, 2013. He first began work with the Unified Judicial System as a Supreme Court law Clerk for the Hon. Justice Richard W. Sabers.
Nancy J. Cozine
State Court Administrator, Oregon
Stacey Marz
Administrative Director of the Courts
Alaska Court System
Marcia M. Meis
Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts
Amy Quinlan
State Court Administrator, Maine
Dawn Marie Rubio
State Court Administrator, Washington
Katherine Stocks
State Court Administrator, Nevada